Today, 20th March 2021 is a bit of double anniversary for me. If I'm honest, both are a bit strange. You've probably guessed one of them by the title of this thing, as today marks 3 years since I just thought "stuff it" and made my first ever Youtube video. Watching it today, it really shows that I had zero experience doing anything like this. But then, it's not too bad considering I did the whole thing in a day.
It was such a buzz to hit Upload that day, and here I am, three years on, 878 subscribers and about 70 more videos later. I have no intention of stopping. They say that it takes about 100 videos to find your feet, and given my experience so far, it seems about right, as I only now feel like I'm making half decent content.
The other anniversary is one that many will be going through. On Feburary 19th this time last year, my pub called last orders for an undefined period of time. My boss played Vera Lynn's "We'll Meet Again" over the pub speakers as we shut out the last of the regulars. And well.. what followed was a very strange year. 8 out of the last 12 months I've been stuck at home in lockdown.
Still, there's light at the end of that particular tunnel, as pubs start to reopen in April, mine included. Guess I'll have to change my little profile picture so I'm not wearing a mask anymore. It's been an odd time, but who knows? This time next year may be completely different again. Either way I'll probably still be waffling on about Theology and Beer, so there's that. Here's to another year of it. Cheers!